Office plants placed Feng Shui --- five elements

1. The five elements of the East belong to the wood, and the robbers are shocked. Feng Shui, the office plant, believes that the red flowers placed in the east are beneficial to people working on copywriting and editing staff. The five elements of the north and the north belong to the soil, and the magazine is suitable for the small-scale students in the department. The yellow flowers are arranged to prevent the tongue from happening.

2, the southern five elements are fire, just left. The office plant placed Feng Shui that the green plants in the south can enhance the personal beauty and charm of the office's female surname; this position safflower has a certain prosperous effect on investors or flexible income earners. The five elements of the southeast are wood, 凞巽卦, is a position that affects interpersonal relationships, love and marriage, so the preferred flower color is pink.

3. The Western Five Elements are gold, and the confession is ambiguous. The white and yellow flowers in the West can increase the “sharpness” of the “mouth” for the living, such as lawyers, sales, artists, etc. The five elements of the southwest belong to the earth, and the Qiankun Temple, the office plants are placed in Feng Shui, and the position of the female leader of the office is suitable for putting bright red flowers.

4, the north five elements are water, sturdy, office plants placed feng shui, can be placed white flowers, can also effectively change the tension between employees and between the upper and lower levels. The five elements of the northwest are gold and shackles. They are the position of the top leaders of the department. They are suitable for white and yellow flowers, which can enhance the leadership and the unity of all employees.

Office plants placed Feng Shui --- taboo

1. Do not plant vines around your seat. Plant feng shui believes that indoor plants are mainly broad-leaved, which can block sputum and absorb energy. Small leaves or entangled vines are yin and should not be placed indoors easily.

2, lighting is better. In an office with poor ventilation and lighting conditions, it is not conducive to the growth of plants, and the plants that are not dying are the taboos in plant Feng Shui. Therefore, when the office is not suitable for placing plants, you must not force yourself.

3, the villain placed cactus. Office plants place Feng Shui. If you feel like a villain in the office, it is recommended to place or hang 3 red flowers or cactus and prickly pear pots on the left side of the desk.

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