Almost every family that has been renovated will have some regrets, either because of poor design or negligence in the decoration, leaving "sequelae", especially in the bathroom, don't underestimate this inconspicuous place. Without a complete design, the decoration will definitely leave a lot of "disorders". According to experts, the "common problem" of bathroom renovation is mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Olussa bathroom

Water circuit reforms leave maintenance risks

Before the start of construction, many changes were made during the construction process, so that there was no design plan for the water circuit reform, leaving hidden problems for subsequent construction and future maintenance. Usually, the decoration company will draw the decoration design drawings for the owners, including the overall renderings, construction drawings and water circuit transformation plans. However, because some owners did not communicate enough with the designers beforehand, due to poor consideration, with the progress of the construction, they often proposed amendments to the original design, so that when the construction of the water circuit modification and other concealed projects are completed, but found no The map can be found, leaving hidden dangers for subsequent construction. Experts remind consumers that when there are water circuits in the bathroom that need to be remodeled, consumers are advised to ask the designer for a circuit renovation plan in advance. If there is any change in the construction process, consumers must communicate with the designer and then draw a picture. Zhang plans to reconstruct the site, and then begin construction. It is best not to modify it while constructing, so as not to injure electric wires and cause disasters in the construction of the wall.

Improper selection of bathroom products

Consumers did not consider installation when buying sanitary products. They found that they did not meet their own conditions after purchase, and they were not convenient to use. Due to the variety of sanitary ware products, the price varies from a few hundred dollars to a few tens of thousands of dollars. When consumers buy in the home-improvement market, they often pick their eyes and find that they are not in harmony with their own bathroom. Experts remind consumers that it is best to consider what kind of products to buy at the design stage. During construction, the space can be reserved according to the specific installation requirements and technical parameters of the products purchased, the pipelines can be modified, and the installation conditions can be guaranteed. The decoration process can be successfully completed and sanitary products can be installed and used normally.

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