Plants to promote wealth to talk about skills and plants, feng shui accounted for a very important position, because it is easy to buy, but also in line with the natural principles of feng shui. Plants have a wide range of applications in feng shui. They can be used to stop the floods and to boost their wealth.

First, rich bamboo

Living room: The living room should be selected from the varieties of bamboo, lucky fortune, Penglaisong, Aescin, Pachira, Money Tree, Lucky Tree, Clivia, Orchid, Cyclamen, Tangerine. These flowers contain the meaning of good luck and good fortune.

Fugui bamboo is also known as bamboo for thousands of years. Its leaves are thick green, growing vigorously and cultivated widely. It is generally used for household bottle-inserting or potted planting, especially the "tower-like" shape that is circulated from Taiwan. It is also known as "Bamboo Lucky". It has a high ornamental value and is popular in the international market.

Second, the red headed

Fortunately, the head is the flower of Bromeliaceae and it is open at the top or middle of the plant. Fortunately, the flowers are prosperous and colorful, and they are very festive.

Third, Penglai Song

Penglaisong is a perennial evergreen shrub that is ideal for potted plants. Warm areas can also be arranged flower beds. It is simple in cultivation and management, and has good resistance to negative. It is suitable for small and medium-sized pots for indoor decoration, and it is also an excellent material for flower lining.

Four, seven leaf lotus

Aesculus is a hardy, drought-tolerant, evergreen shrub, with many branches. There are roots and roots at stem nodes, palmately compound leaves, 7-9 leaflets, oblong, dark green, petiole fine. . Flowers yellowish green, autumn and winter flowers, berries red and yellow, mature in spring. Suitable for garden landscaping or potted plants.

Five, money tree

The Pachira is an evergreen tree, 8-15 meters high, and not more than 2 meters high in potted plants. Palmate compound leaves, 5-7 leaflets, branches numerous. The flower is large, up to 22.5cm in length, and the petals are cracked. The flowers are red, white or light yellow and have a beautiful color. Indoor viewing is more used for pile view pots.

Six, money tree

The money tree is a perennial evergreen grass plant, and is an extremely rare foliage plant with underground tubers native to tropical Africa. My country was introduced from the Netherlands in 1997, and it appeared in Fangcun, Guangzhou and Chencun, Shunde. Money leaves a thick, bright leaf, like a hanging string of money. So get it by name.

Seven, Clivia

Clivia is a famous greenhouse flower. Our country has two species introduced from Europe and Japan. The former is small and drooping, which is called Climbing Clivia; the latter is large and upward, and it is the most commonly cultivated species. The green leaves of Clivia are shiny and green. The flowers resemble a torch upwards. They are orange and red. They are dignified and generous. They are the ideal flowers for beautifying the environment. The flowers of Clivia are drooping, implied and deep, elegant and solemn, and have a charm.

Green plants to buy and decorate Feng Shui living room rich bamboo feng shui layout formaldehyde interior decoration decoration living room decoration feng shui school study feng shui small study den layout small bedroom balcony study

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