As a new type of exterior wall paint with excellent performance, it has certain requirements for construction requirements. For different texture varieties, quality, coating base, construction workers will make corresponding texture paint construction plans. However, if it is affected by the weather in the rainy season, the construction workers will sometimes not grasp well, and it will also lead to the appearance of white color in the art paint texture paint. In response to this situation, we can analyze the following aspects: 1. Construction site temperature: If the local construction temperature is too low, it is close to 0 °C. After the material is applied, the paint film is not dry, and there is rainy weather. In this case, the surface is washed away by rain and the surface color is washed away. The serious wall paint film has completely fallen off, so the color will appear shallow and white. 2. Improper construction: During the construction process, some people often use spray guns to spray, excessive water, or leaking coatings. There is uneven coating of the top coat, and the wet rainy season leads to uneven water absorption on the wall and more water absorption. The wall surface is affected by moisture and dust in the atmosphere, resulting in inconsistent wall color. 3. In order to reduce costs and cut corners, the construction party does not approve the putty before making the art paint texture paint. It directly scrapes the artistic texture paint on the crack-resistant mortar. There may be excessive wall alkalinity, and the texture paint is washed by the rainy season after construction. After long-term water absorption, the surface of the wall will also appear phlegm. In the face of the above situation, the solution: 1. During the rainy season, construction can be avoided to avoid construction, and construction should be carried out after good weather. 2. If the problem has already occurred, the artistic paint texture paint has been applied to the wall, and the color of the wall can be kept consistent by the roll coating method of the same color emulsion paint. 3. The construction party should pay attention to the control of the latex water exchange rate. 4. It is necessary to keep the paint film evenly flat during the roll coating, and it is not possible to spray the top coat again. Art paint texture paint is widely used on the outer wall. It will be affected by the weather and the technology of the constructor, which will cause some problems. It should promptly report the problem to the paint manufacturer and formulate the best solution to avoid delaying the construction progress and Brushing effect.
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